Monday, March 23, 2009

Trainer Notes: Week One

So far in Michelle’s first week of training, she has shown that attitude is everything. Dedication and a positive outlook have gotten her off to a good start. This, combined with the appropriate starting point and proper exercise progression, is the key to success. So many times, people begin an exercise program too hard and too fast, and the result is pain and suffering, mentally and physically. Unfortunately, we at FT have heard this from clients when they share their previous experiences with exercise and even with personal trainers. We’ve started Michelle with a good base group of exercises mostly consisting of single-joint movements, core stabilization, and overall physical adaptation to exercise. This week, she will complete three strength-training workouts, followed by moderate cardio. Also, she will have a cardiovascular workout under the coaching of her trainer. We also have done one nutrition consultation this week.

We are extremely excited for Michelle and her endeavor with us here at FT. She’s reaching out of her comfort zone and is displaying great courage. Many thanks go out to her support group outside of FT, her children, family, and friends. You’ve done great so far Michelle, keep it up!

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